Đặt câu với từ "response|responses"

1. Allergic diseases are caused by inappropriate immunological responses to harmless antigens driven by a TH2-mediated immune response.

2. Ligands that block Agonist mediated responses (rather than eliciting a biological response from binding itself) are called antAgonists

3. Either too many wrapper responses are received without an inline response, a circular loop of daisy chaining exists (one network bouncing to another and another), or too many empty VAST responses from video fallback.

4. Antigens are molecules capable of stimulating an immune response. Each antigen has distinct surface features, or epitopes, resulting in specific responses

5. Adaptive immune responses to AAV Capsid usually result in neutralizing antibody responses and T-cell responses

6. Although the core signaling components that control Auxin response are well characterized, the precise mechanisms enabling specific responses are not yet fully understood

7. Comparison of the responses seen with surface electrodes and those appearing at the round window reveals that the broad potential PI of the brain stem response to low-frequency stimuli corresponds to the compound action potential, while the frequency-following responses correspond to phase-locked responses in the acoustic nerve.

8. The recorded brain responses and stored a-priori information on transient brain response to the acoustic stimulus are used to determine a combined time interval between the acoustic stimulus and the transient brain response.

9. The phytohormone Cytokinin plays diverse roles in plant development, influencing many agriculturally important processes, including growth, nutrient responses and the response to biotic and abiotic stresses


11. The Corrective emotional experience is felt by the patient who expects certain responses from people but is instead surprised by the therapist's disconfirmation of the expected response

12. Electrodiagnostic studies in Aman patients reveal low or absent motor responses with preserved sensory responses.

13. Write responses on the board.

14. 16 Responses to “Cagey” Dan

15. Dismayed, Howdendykers made various responses.

16. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is not only involved in the plant abiotic stress response but also plays a major role in the regulation of various biotic stress responses.

17. Responses to this statement nearly always mirrored the responses provided regarding access to modern arts facilities.

18. [ total responses served + unmatched ad requests ]

19. adaptative responses (e.g. macrophage migration in the lung, liver hypertrophy and enzyme induction, hyperplastic responses to irritants

20. List their responses on the board.

21. Main outcome measures - Responses to questionnaire.

22. He grunted monosyllabic responses to questions.

23. His speech brought scathing opposition responses.

24. Hormonal , cardiovascular and asymmetrical brain responses " .

25. The responses of afferent neurons to ipsilateral acoustic stimulation were recorded and compared with the responses following binaural stimulation.

26. (d) adaptative responses (e.g. macrophage migration in the lung, liver hypertrophy and enzyme induction, hyperplastic responses to irritants).

27. Circumvolve: Narratives and Responses to Life Cycles

28. Though governments were roundly criticised for inadequate and Cheeseparing responses and for much petty-minded implementation of means testing, the challenge of long-term unemployment evoked a radically new administrative response.

29. Responses from users who chose to provide a reason for cancelation are shown in the Cancellation survey responses card.

30. 4 Responses to Bleeding the Bleedin’ Perkins

31. Responses to our advertisement have been disappointing.

32. Responses from audiences have been overwhelmingly favorable.

33. The Cytokinin response 1 (cre1) mutant was identified in a screen for mutants impaired in the cell division, greening, and shoot formation responses of callus tissue to Cytokinin (Inoue et al., 2001)

34. Procrastination or partial responses are powerful weapons.

35. Physiological responses were not affected by Controllability.

36. Circumvolve. Narratives and Responses to Life Cycles

37. Student responses are gradually Automatized through repetition

38. Based on your responses, you’re an Ambivert

39. Responses will be posted on the Website .

40. Synonymity, Antonymity, and Association in False Recognition Responses

41. Bioindicator is a term taken from environmental toxicology and is defined as “an organism or biological response that reveals the presence of the pollutants by the occurrence of typical symptoms or measurable responses

42. When the retina is consecutively stimulated by concentric frame-shaped stimuli, the algebraic sum of all single cortical responses augmented the cortical response obtained when stimulating the whole field simultaneously by approximately 30%.

43. Catecholamines are major elements in responses to stress.

44. Antifeedant responses of fungi to a feeding antagonist

45. Table # Ped ACR Responses in the JIA study

46. Asserting the Privilege in Depositions or Discovery Responses

47. Antidepressants alone can produce good but varied responses

48. Where are the responses from free press activists?

49. 12 Responses to our advertisement have been disappointing.

50. Response caching policies Get from Cache - Perform Cache look up and return a valid Cached responses when available.; Store to Cache - Caches responses according to the specified Cache control configuration.; Value caching policies Get value from Cache - Retrieve a Cached item by key.; Store value in Cache - Store an item in the Cache by key.

51. Beggar-thy-neighbour trade policy responses benefit no one.

52. Have you had any responses to the advertisement yet?

53. No response.

54. Anaphylactoid response

55. Unfortunately, root responses to Cadaverine have not been investigated

56. Police often use Crackdowns in combination with other responses

57. It's exactly the same event, but radically different responses.

58. But not all social responses result in sociable congregation.

59. The younger child makes undifferentiated reflex responses to stimuli.

60. The Responses To Threat: Freeze, Appease, Fight, Flight information handout is designed to give these clients essential information about common responses to threat

61. Affirmative response

62. 1965, Barbara Ann Koch, Phototropic responses of corn Coleoptiles: This kinetic scheme was proposed to account for the observed responses of Avena Coleoptiles, and it was thought that it could also be applied to the phototropic responses of corn

63. AGC Response:

64. Autobiographical Listening tends to yield one of four responses

65. 8 Organizational fears are emotional responses to core beliefs.

66. I rehearsed several critical responses to the blank console.

67. Immune responses to Colophony, an agent causing occupational asthma

68. (Add students’ responses to the list on the board.

69. But first he had to inhibit his habitual responses.

70. Develop range of coping skills to assist flexible responses.

71. Beggar-thy-neighbour trade policy responses benefit no one

72. Add their responses to the list on the board.

73. Calls to dozens of independent agents elicited similar responses.

74. The “Aqualunging” phenomenon (i.e., the effect of stored oxygen initially diminishing a cornea’s deprivation response) does appear to influence corneal response to short-term wear of rigid contact lenses and results in different short-term responses to rigid contact lenses having the same Dk/t values but different Dk and t components.

75. No response, poor response, too-early or too late response equals negative impact on consumer attitudes and behavior.

76. A promising approach may be amplitude modulation following responses (AMFR).

77. Signals initiated by intercepted aircraft and responses by intercepting aircraft

78. Time and again, Christians meet with rude or harsh responses.

79. All responses to reviews must follow Google’s Review Content Policies.

80. Compulsions are the usual responses of sufferers to these fears